Figure 1. Testing of regeneration solutions by dissociation efficiency of protein complexes under the SPR control of the Biacore 3000 biosensor ((1) - 2M MgCl2, (2) - 1% CHAPS, (3) - 10 mМ Gly-HCl (pH 2.0)) . Samples of HepG2 cell lysate diluted 10 times with a working buffer were injected on the CM5 chip with immobilized proteins CYB5A (A), RNMT (B), CXXC1 (C), TTR (D) for 5 min at a flow rate of 5 µl/min CYB5A (A), RNMT (B), CXXC1 (C), TTR (D). 1 RU (resonanse unit) corresponds to 1 pg of protein bound to 1 mm2 of the chip surface.