Figure 4. Control expression of the pQE-ReI-9ex and pQE-ReII-10ex vectors in E. coli Rosetta cells in eight clones. A-(clones 1-8) - total protein of E. coli cells after IPTG induction in clones containing the pQE-ReI-9ex vector. B-(clones 1-8) - total protein of E. coli cells after IPTG induction in clones containing the pQE-ReII-9ex vector. M is the molecular mass marker of proteins. Protein molecular masses of 75 kDa, 60 kDa, 37 kDa, and 25 kDa are indicated on the left. On the right, the size of the recombinant ReI-9ex protein with an estimated mass of 28.5 kDa and the recombinant ReII-10ex protein with an estimated molecular mass of 25.6 kDa are indicated, respectively.