Figure 3. Data correction for the abundance value of data set 1. A. Five peptides each (data from each normalized relative to its mean (1) across all samples) representing 2 different clusters (taken from the central part); red lines are the biggest cluster; blue lines are the cluster maximally different from the first. B. Red line is the mean value (2) within a single sample for all ions of the biggest cluster; gray lines show the fluctuating data for each sample. C. Data from Figure A normalized to the mean value (2). On the ordinate axis is the normalized abundance value for each peptide ion. Sample numbers are plotted on the abscissa axis: 1-8 left hemisphere of experimental mice unaffected by stroke; 9-16 right hemisphere of experimental mice in which stroke was induced; 17-20 left hemisphere of control mice, 21-24 right hemisphere of control mice.