Table 1. Comparison of parameters of Biacore X-100 and MI-S200D biosensors.


Biacore X-100


Signal units of measurement

RU (resonance units)
1000 RU ~ 1ng protein

1 RU ~ 1/10000 resonant angle (0,1 m°) [11]

m° (millidegree) (1/1000 resonant angle)
100 m° ~ 1 ng protein

1 m° ~ 10 RU

Numbers of flow cell



Baseline noise

<0.1 RU (RMS)


Baseline drift

<0.3 RU/min


Accuracy (concentration analysis)

<5% CV

<5% CV

Number of sample tray positions

15 (1.5ml ×15)

20 (0.6 ml×8 и

1.5 ml×12)

Injection volume

5 - 90 ml

25 - 350 ml

Injection speed

1 - 100 ml/min

5 - 1000 ml/min

Temperature control

4°C - 40°C

4°C - 45°C

Unattended working hours

24 hours

60 hours

Concentration measurement

10-11- 2∙10-3 M

10-10 – 10-3 М

Association rate constant (kon)

103 - 108 M-1s-1
Proteins - до 108 M-1s-1

Low molecular weight compounds - до 106 M-1s-1

103 – 107 M-1s-1

Dissociation rate constant (koff)

10-5 – 10-1 s-1

10-5 – 10-1 s-1

Equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd)

10-12 – 10-3 М

10-12 – 10-4 М