The Influence of Adjuvants on Antigenic Properties of Peptide Constructs Composed of Hepatitis C Virusenvelope Protein E2 Fragments

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E.A. Egorova
T.M. Melnikova
M.V. Melnikova
M.G. Zavyalova
L.V. Kostryukova
O.V. Chibiskova
R.I. Ataullakhanov
E.F. Kolesanova


Effectiveness of the immune response in the form of the production of specific antibodies against immunogenic peptide constructs composed of conservative fragments of the hepatitis C virus envelope protein E2 depended on the adjuvants and carriers used in their preparations. The most effective formation of specific antibodies was observed in response to the injection of peptide constructs containing B- and T-epitopes of the E2 protein conjugated with a carrier with adjuvant properties, Immunomax. Antibodies obtained in response to immunization with conjugates of peptide constructs with Immunomax bound both hepatitis C virus envelope protein E2 and the heterodimer of envelope proteins E1E2.

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How to Cite
Egorova, E., Melnikova, T., Melnikova, M., Zavyalova, M., Kostryukova, L., Chibiskova, O., Ataullakhanov, R., & Kolesanova, E. (2025). The Influence of Adjuvants on Antigenic Properties of Peptide Constructs Composed of Hepatitis C Virusenvelope Protein E2 Fragments. Biomedical Chemistry: Research and Methods, 8(1), e00227.


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