Construction of a Chimeric Human Gene Encoding Renalase with a Modified N-Terminus
Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, 10 Pogodinskaya str., Moscow, 10119121 Russia; * e-mail:
Keywords:PCR, cloning, expression, renalase, signal sequence
Renalase (RNLS) is a recently discovered protein that plays different roles inside and outside cells. Extracellular RNLS exhibits protective effects on the cell, acting on its receptor proteins, while intracellular RNLS acts as FAD-dependent oxidoreductase (EC The ratio of the intracellular and extracellular forms of this protein, as well as the mechanisms and factors responsible for its transport from the cell, remain unknown. One of the approaches to studying these issues can be the creation of chimeric forms of this protein with modified fragments of its amino acid sequences. This work describes a method for constructing a chimeric human RNLS gene encoding RNLS without its N-terminal peptide.
In order to evaluated a role of the N-terminal peptide of renalase we have developed a chimeric human RNLS gene encoding RNLS without its N-terminal peptide and expressed it in both procaryotic and eukaryotic systems.
Construction of the chimeric human RNLS gene encoding RNLS without its N-terminal peptide was based on the exon linkage of coding sequences described earlier [13, 14].
Table 1 shows primers used for PCR
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Table 1.
Primers used in PCR
Sequence analysis of all studied clones resulted in identification of nucleotide substitutions (see Fig. 1); they were located in the third position of the following codons: gcC-Ala, atC-Ile, and tcG-Ser (Table 2). Due to codon, the amino acid sequence of the chimeric RNLS protein remained unchanged. These mutations detected in the RNLS gene could be attributed to the previously constructed pET-hRenI vector [14].
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Table 2.
Degeneracy of codons for alanine (Ala), isoleucine (Ile), and serine (Ser)
Mass spectrometric analysis of cell extracts, performed using a synthetic human RNLS proteotypic peptide labeled with stable isotopes of 13C and 15N [20], also confirmed the presence of the chimeric protein in transfected cells (and its absence in control, nontransfected cells).
Cloning of the RNLS gene and expression of the recombinant protein was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 20-015-00104). Mass spectrometric studies were performed within the framework of the Basic Research Program of the State Academies of Sciences for 2013-2020.
This work does not contain any results of research conducted with the participation of humans or the use of animals as objects.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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